Previous Entries

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The Bad Enough Dudes Primer

By Brian
February 19, 2022

Brian introduces the Bad Enough Dudes blog and what you can expect to read here.


Category: Commentary

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My Top 10 Games of “2019”

By Brian
January 29, 2020

Brian reviews the best video games he played in 2019. Castlevania, Zelda, and NES classics dominate, but did any of them take the top spot?


Category: Classic , Lists

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My Top 10 Games of the Decade - 2010-2019

By Brian
January 16, 2020

Brian waxes nostalgically on his favorite video games from the past decade. Is YOUR favorite on the list? Well….


Category: Classic , Lists

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My Top 10 Games of “2018”

By Brian
May 24, 2019

Brian reviews the best video games he played in 2018, featuring NO games from 2018!


Category: Classic , Lists

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My Top 10 Games of “2017”

By Brian
January 18, 2018

Brian recaps the best video games he played in 2017, possibly even including some games RELEASED in 2017!


Category: Classic , Lists